Maryland Primary Care Program - Clinical & Group Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey
It’s time for the CAHPS Survey!
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services requires our practice to provide a list of patients eligible to receive a CAHPS Survey. A company named DataStat may soon send you a patient experience survey via U.S. mail, email, or text message. If you receive a survey, please try to complete it as soon as possible; we use your feedback to help improve services provided to our patients. Participation in this survey is voluntary and confidential, but very much appreciated. Our practice will not see individual results or receive notification of patients who participated in the survey. We only see a summary of the results upon completion of the survey period.
Surveys are expected to go out beginning Feb 1 and the survey period will last 2-3 months. A list of FAQs to answer any questions you may have. Also attached are posters about the survey in English and in Spanish.