Minimum Vaccine Requirements for Children

We take our responsibility for your child’s health and the health of our staff, patients, and community very seriously. As a result, we require our patients have basic childhood immunizations to keep everyone safe. Unless a child is at high risk for serious complications from vaccines, MedPeds recommends all children be fully immunized according to CDC recommendations.
We recognize that some parents may wish for their child not to receive vaccines or to receive them on an alternate schedule. Please discuss any proposed alternative schedule with your child’s provider at the next well child visit. To ensure the safety of our elderly and immuno-compromised patients, our staff, and community, your child must receive at least the following minimum vaccines by age two for the family to remain patients of the practice:
- 3 DTaP
- 1 MMR
- 1 Varicella
If you have already decided not to vaccinate your child, or if you cannot agree to an alternate schedule that includes these minimum vaccines by age two, MedPeds will not be able to be your family’s medical office and we ask that you find another primary care provider for your family.